Forgot to mention one more.
5. Good health.
I don't need to treat hospital as my 2nd home. I don't need to have thousands of needles poking through my skin . I don't have to remind myself what pills I have eaten and what not. I can run whenever I like. I can eat whatever I like. I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to vomit. I don't have to do chemotherapy and lose all my hair. (no offence!) I don't have to wait for God to bring me away...
♥ 12:43:00 AM
I am blessed with....
1. a family that supports me.
They encourage me to do what I want. They support my decisions, at least for the major ones. We still go out together once every few wks, no matter how busy we are. We care for one another, though we don't express it with words. We had more laughter after that 'little big-headed thing' was born. Maybe she's born at the right time. Last but no least, at least my mama won't call me a 'fucking prostitute' like some other people in the middle of the night. =)
2. friends that i can confide in.
Though not alot, but enough to lend me a listening ear whenever i feel *&^%$#@!%$#. They never fail to make me laugh, and be myself when I'm with them. Friends, you know who you are. =) True friends stay no matter what.
3. a country that is safe.
I don't need to go around bringing a bowl, asking/stealing/begging for food. I don't need to climb high up to the rubbish hill to find something I can easily buy for a few cents. I don't need to eat the rotten apples people threw on the floor. I don't need to run for the bomb shelter every now and then. I don't need to see my loved ones dying one by one because of diseases. I don't need to see people get washed away by tsunami, get burnt by forest fires, get drowned by flood, get dehydrated by drought. I don't need to hide outside other people's classrooms to listen to lessons. I don't need to see people getting murdered/molested/raped/tortured but no justice is being done. I LOVE SINGAPORE!!!
4. a loving but crazy and bastard boyfriend.
Though we meet up once in a month sometimes, or maybe up to 2+mths, though we don't have what they called the 'honeymoon period', I know you care for me. I don't know how to explain this, but I know this is love. A little sacrifice in return for a great future. Don't bother about what other bastards say. They are bastard-er than you. It's been 1.5 yrs. Though not very long, but I suppose we've been through much more ups and downs than other couples? I love you Baby! Continue to work hard and fulfill your dreams! You're halfway there! =)
♥ 12:27:00 AM
Quarrelled with my mama just now cause of some bloody hell small thing. Was damn angry till I cried. But I felt so bad. Afterall, she cares for me. But I will feel
malu if I apologise to her.
And Daddy bought a lot of my fav food to make me happy. He seldom buys all these and the food my Daddy bought under my block is ^%$^%$# expensive, compared to other places. Guilty.
And and Mummy is treating me like nothing has happened just now. Guilty x 2.
And and and after I've cooled down, I realised we shouldn't have quarrelled for this small little sesame-seed-green-bean thing. Guilty x 1000.
Tell me how tell me how tell me how....
Sorry Mummy, I love you.
♥ 12:00:00 AM

This guy, named Warren Buffett, was paid $1.7m to have lunch with the Canadian investment managers.
WTH. I can eat a few lifetimes of lunch with this amount of money. Even his name, 'Buffett' sounds like &^%$*&^%. He must be a
kang kong in his previous life.
So people, you can pay me $50 to have lunch with me! Interested applicants, please tag me or email your resume to watching these two videos over and over again for these past few days. All my goosebumps ^%$&^%$%$ after watching them. All I can conclude from the two videos is that the guy is a woman (from 3:55 onwards),and the girl has magical powers. She is clever, can dance, can sing, can act, have thin and straight legs, have beautiful eyes and her smile can kill so many guys, including me. So I've decided that I will get into OB by Jun '10!!!! If I have the money...
Few hrs ago, my meimei was happily playing with my mechnical pencil. And she dropped/throwed the pencil, and it happily landed on my foot. The spot turned purple at first. Few mins later, I realised the blood was flowing out! Ok... I was a bit too exaggerative. There's blood on my foot.
♥ 11:38:00 PM
Sore Throat.
Feeling feverish.
But 34.8deg c....
What am I supposed to do....
♥ 12:54:00 AM
It's been 1wk 2days. And I've not done anything for my FYP. Shucks. Good luck to me.
Nothing much happened these few days. Woke up at 4.30am (i slpt at 2plus.) and went to sch to help out as road marshals for the Biathlon. I swear it was bloody HOT. Cow was BAD enough to swap places with my partner as he had no place to sit and no shade, whereas me and my partner can hide under the shelter of the security office to sit or sleep. Crapped all the way from 7.30am to 3pm. Had sunburnt shoulders and nose. =(
Rushed to City Hall with Cow to meet Felicia and her cousin, Jian Kwan, for NDP Preview. He's 4yrs old!! DAMN CUTE!!! Till now, I haven't heard him talk yet. Lol. He's oblivious to the surroundings.
NDP preview was quite ok. Quite lame. But I was damn touched when I said the pledge and saw the fireworks. Don't know why. When's the last time I said a pledge? I don't want to go overseas already. I wanna stay in my own country. I've decided that my honeymoon will be in Sentosa.
No pics taken for the whole day except some in Cow's hp. But I think he's not sending it to me. He just wants to admire them alone. Right Cow? Btw, he's in love with 'Jesseca Liu'. =D
Back to FB games. Super addicted. BYEEEE~
*Beauty is just skin deep. It's the character that matters most! =)
♥ 11:50:00 PM