Baby called TTSH yesterday. (pass midnight alr.) And the doctor/ staffs there told him he was H1N1 POSITIVE. Yes,
P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E. (he's still a suspect yesterday.)
When he broke the news to me, I don't know whether I have to be sad or be normal. But right now, I'm feeling a bit sad. =(
Why out of idontknowhowmanymillion ppl in sg, he was one of the 599 cases. So suay.. HAIS.....
He was HOME-quarantined. Wth. A person with H1N1 virus has to stay at home with his family. And he had to call TTSH himself to find out whether he's positive/negative. -.- He's the first person that I know who got the bloody hell virus. Hope the virus knows that he (it's a male) has been killing so many ppl, and decided to commit suicide.
Cant meet him for idontknowhowlong. Sad sadder saddest.. =(((((((
I'M SAD NOW.* Eat more Tamiflu pills and u will be fine ok?
love you Baby! =)
♥ 12:09:00 AM
YEAHHHH!! Baby's tested negative.
N-E-G-A-T-I-V-E.The police came to his house today and passed him the home quarantine order thing and some Tamiflu pills. It was stated he's a 'suspect'. -.- Is a suspect considered 'negative'?
Whatever the case, I think he did not get the bloody-helly-assholely FLU! Me HAPPY
*Felicia wants to meet my bf and have a meal tgt cos she wants to get the flu. She's crazy.
8.5 hrs more and I will be in sch. Wish me good luck in not getting the flu in the super packed train tml. =)
♥ 12:32:00 AM
I happy now because:
1) Yesterday was me and Potato's 15th monthsary. Didnt get to celebrate as he was in camp. Not that we will celebrate anyway. Lol. I love you
Potato! =)
2) I'm meeting my sec sch dance mates in 12+hrs' time. Damn long never meet them alr. Wish we can dance and go crazy ltr!!! Woohoo!!
I'm sad now because:
1) I didn't manage to watch the anti-piracy film before Transformers (refer to my prev post) because we went in on time. =(
2) There's no news abt the anti-piracy show in Lian He Zao Bao today. It's not a good newspaper.
3) I'm lazy to upload all the photos that's due 2000years ago. So I shall not upload them. But that bloody CTHP (Moooooo..) will nag at me for not putting any photos in my blog. What to do.... Just go to my fb acc ppl.
4) I don't wish school to start next wk. But I wish to. BAHHHH.. Don't wish to because i want to rest more and wish to because I'm scared they wun postpone the sem break (6wks), and that means I will have lesser time for my individual project!! I can imagine myself staring at my laptop, busy zooming in and out of the layout plan in AutoCad, or rendering the bloody perspective sketches! I don't want to look like a mad scientist!! Damn it damn it damn it. So should I wish or don't wish?
But anyway, if there's any petition going on for SP, tell me ok??? =)
So, in conclusion, I'm more to the sad side as I have 4 points for it, whereas only 2 points for the happy side. So that means.....
I'm sad. =(
♥ 3:44:00 AM
Went to Siok Ching's house for FYP this afternoon. Her house is FUULLL OFFF CANNNNEDDDD DRRRIINKKKKSSS.... Went home after that.
Looking fwd to the CCA outing tml.. Cos there's choc fondue!! Woaahhhh!!!
And most imptly, I'm watching Transformers tml! Not a fan of Transformers. Just wanna watch the anti-piracy film, it should be the one before show starts. LOL! Do watch out for the film! Pls go in 5mins before show starts! =))))))
*Just heard from Rach that the tickets are almost fully booked. Left front few rows. Damn all the kiasu asses!!!
♥ 12:06:00 AM

FYP cancelled. Stayed at home the whole day! =)
♥ 6:03:00 PM
Met Rach and Lyna for lunch in AMK Hub. Walked around and went home. Not in the mood...
Something is not right.
♥ 2:25:00 AM
TuesdayWent running with Papa. FINALLY!!! After idon'tknowhowlong km, I stopped, telling my Papa to go ahead. Around 20mins later, he was nowhere to be seen. Scared that he was being kidnapped/adultnapped, I went to look for him. Felt like I was Garbet in Pelham 123 movie. Lol. Found my Papa, he was talking to his friend. -.- Kids nowadays have such a good life....
WednesdayWent to Potato's place. Slept throughout, from 12plus to 2plus to watch him cook. -.- (He forced me to watch him cook) Ate bread then slept agn, till 8plus. He was busying watching 9pm show on MobTv and doing his hw. Nothing to entertain myself, and was damn tired. His mama asked why I didnt come for so long. She thought we broke up. Lol. SO U BETTER MAKE MORE TIME FOR ME HUH SZH!!!
off to watch my drama now... =)
♥ 11:36:00 PM
Woahhh! so long never blog alr. Let's see where did i stop..
Went to watch 'Drag Me To Hell' with my cousin. Nice show, but didn't really like the ending. The bf should die lor!!! Still didnt really understand the ending. The button was left in the bf's car. So why did the gf die? Can anyone tell me? And it's not gore/disturbing enough. Just that the ah ma took out the dentures and all those mucus or whatever parts that were disgusting. And beause of all these, I will rate it 7/10. =)
After that went to pasar malam to buy CANDY FLOSS!!! NICE NICE!!! Damn happy! Then we took a train to Yishun and walked to my Godma's house to make pastries! Fyi, my godma is a cook master. Dunno wad else to call her, but she's damn pro in cooking, baking etc that involves food. So we told we wanted to bake cream puffs or pies, and she opened her cupboard and WOAH!!!! 3 damn big cupboards full of cookery books plus her hand-written recipes! I'm damn sure she had more than 300 cookery books! And she passed abt 10 books for us to see. Both of us were like @_@. Dunno wad to choose. At last, we chose banana cake and egg tarts. Both are my fav!!!!! Then my godma taught us. Ok lah. She made them and we ate it. It was damn nice. NYAHAHAHAH! So happy! Talking abt food makes me happy! Went home after we ate dinner n slacked ard.
Forgot where I went.
Slacked at home fb-ing and watching dramas. I'm becoming like a zhai nu man.
Went out with Potato Head. Watched The Taking of Pelham 123. OMG!! IT'S DAMN NICE! But why must the bad guy die? Will rate it 9/10. Y cant they let Garbet die and let the bad guy escape so that they can continue a 2nd part to it? He can then hijack a plane or smth. Rather then a subway which only had 17 or 18ppl inside. They can call it '(the bad guy's name) Strikes Again)'. It's a good show anw! =) After that he went shopping shopping and I went window shopping. So sad. That's the life of a poor little girl. Then went to shop for his toiletries for his reservice. Hope u slim down in the camp! =) Went home aft that. He met his friends to watch fireworks. -.- Are fireworks prettier than me? =( If yes, well... Damn you Potato! Lol.
Went Sakae Sushi for tea time buffet with Rachel! omg.. We both ate lunch before that. I ate at 1plus and met for buffet at around 4. So
bo hua man. But we still managed to eat alot, but not up to our 'usual standand'. Lol. We were greeted by a super gay 'act korean' manager or smth. Eeee! He looked like a hamster or smth. We talked and laughed and ate like two crazy woman who had just been released. Esp Rach, she's damn crazy today! Dunno what happened to her. Saw one group of 'kids' putting back the
empty coloured plate back to the conveyor belt. Like wth. Childish or what, or trying to show off to your girl friends that u can do smth like that. -.- But cant report to the staff there, cos we didnt smth bad too! Just that it's not as bad as them. Right Rach!?! =D But karma will come soon. Oh wells..... Met up with Lyna and Frauleen for movie, 'Land of the Lost' in Cine after that. Storyline's still ok. But it's damn funny! Plus lame and some dirty stuffs here and there. Will rate it 6.5/10. Somehow, I think the SleeStak, or rather, the
lizard ppl look like me when i'm young.

Went home after that as I had curfew from my mama. Because of that bloody ass malay guy that I don't even know. Damn suay. Don't ask me what happened ppl! Bye!!!! =)
♥ 12:08:00 AM
No words, just photos. Photos are taken in TopOne and Seoul Garden. =)

♥ 5:27:00 PM